Dirge II (Primax)

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Primax 785.06 Alpha (Japanese G1 Cartoon)

Tens of thousands of years after the Great Reformatting, Dirge was a Combatron under the command of Galvatron. He was part of the comedy duo with Thrust and they were the younger brothers of Starscream. They came into conflict with Lio Convoy's Convoy Unit of Maximals at least once. In an effort to hurt the Maximals, Galvatron disguised his ship the Galvaburg II as an asteroid and hid in an asteroid belt. He then released an S.O.S. that baited the Maximals to arrive. Launching the trap, a huge explosion caused Lio Convoy to be lost. Later, the Galvaburg II landed on Gaia to investigate a strange energy signal. The ship came across the source of the energy signal and Galvatron decided to conquer Gaia to use it to launch an invasion of the galaxy. They began to gather the energy when the Maximal ship Yukikaze came into Gaia's vicinity. The Galvaburg II shot the ship down. The ship continued to gather energy before rising up. At this point, a group of Maximals under Apache landed on the ship. While the Maximals were captured, Dirge and the other Combatrons began to shoot the prisoners but a white lion came and saved the Maximals. The Maximals then fled.[1]

Reference Notes

  1. Beast Wars II: Transformers episode 1- The New Forces Arrive!